Using Themes in Document Creation

The ability to create a Keynote document using a specific theme is enabled by the inclusion of the document theme property of the document class.  (⬇ see below ) 

The Keynote Suite Document Class (excerpt)

document : The Keynote document. syn presentation


contains slides, master slides; contained by application.


document theme (theme, r/o) : The theme assigned to the document.

The value of the document theme property  (⬆ see above )  is the theme currently used (or to be used) by the document in the display of its contents.

NOTE: The document theme property is now read and write and can be used to change the current theme of a Keynote document.

The script below demonstrates the use of the make command to create a new document with a theme chosen by the script user:

The following script, a variation of the previous script, creates a new Keynote document using the application theme chosen by the script user:

The following script is designed to create a new Keynote document using a specific user theme. If the user theme is not installed on the computer running the script, the script will prompt the script user to download the specified user theme from the company website, and will display the company-hosted website page containing the theme if the user desires.